March 20, 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid make 5yr old Orphan's dreams come true

Cristiano Ronaldo alongside some of his teammates at Real Madrid made the dream of a 5 year old orphan from Palestine come true. The parents and brother of 5 year old Ahmed Dawabshah were killed in a Palestine bomb attack 8 months ago.

Photos of Ahmed wearing a Real Madrid jersey carrying Ronaldo's picture while recuperating from 60 percent burns on his body flooded the internet.

Ahmed fought for his life straight after the incident, and asked 'where is my mother?' upon awakening. The whole incident touched officials at Real Madrid who together with Cristiano Ronaldo and the Palestine embassy organised a trip for Ahmed to the Santiago Bernabeu stadium to meet and spend time with his idol, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Jibril Rajoub, president of the Palestinian Football Association, added:
"This is a superb humanitarian gesture by Real Madrid, its administration and Cristiano Ronaldo, who are restoring hope for a child who lost his entire family. There is an unknown soldier in this initiative and that is Zinedine Zidane, who we warmly thank."
Ahmed's grandfather said: "He has just spent eight months in hospital. He is doing better, but a lot of time and care is still needed for him to truly recover." Nasser Dawabsha, the boy’s uncle, said Ahmed 'adores' Cristiano Ronaldo and had spent much of his time in hospital watching sports.

Nigeria Actress Omotola and her husband jet out to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary

The two will be celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary on March 23rd and have jetted out of the country for some alone time. 20 years? Amazing! Omotola should write a book on being beautiful, independent, having a thriving career and still keeping a man.

Photos: Ooni of Ife and his new wife visit Sultan of Sokoto

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Babatunde Ogunwusi,Ojaja II and his new wife Olori Wuraola visited to the Sultan of Sokoto at his palace in Sokoto yesterday. See more photos after the cut...

Building collapses in Lagos killing 1 person and several others injured

Tragedy struck again in Lagos yesterday, when a building  at No 9, Alli Close, Mile 12, partially collapsed and killed a 47-year-old woman with several other residents injured, According to an eyewitness, a part of the balcony in the building had caved in, but the residents of the building refused to vacate the place.

Mr. Michael Akindele, General Manager, Lagos State Emergency Management Authority, LASEMA, said preliminary investigation confirmed the death of the woman, and that no other fatal casualty was recorded.

He added that the residents of the 18-room-building had been evacuated and the site sealed off. The owner of the building has been summoned to the state Secretariat, Alausa Ikeja for questioning.

Ancelotti - 'Ronaldo and Messi need each other'

  The Italian says the rivalry between the two superstars drives both to become better players and talks about the importance of Por...