January 21, 2015

Ronaldo: Messi & I motivate each other

 Ronaldo: Messi & I motivate each other

The Portugal star believes he and his rival serve as inspiration to footballers around the world and inspire each other to search for perfection

Legend JohanCruyff: I nearly joined Real Madrid

 Cruyff: I nearly joined Real Madrid

The Dutchman would go on to become a true great at Barcelona but admits Ajax were ready to sell him to the capital club before his move to Spain

Peter Odemwingie demands more goals from Victor Moses

Odemwingie demands more goals from Victor Moses

The injured forward has tasked his teammate to get more goals for the Potters after shrugging off his injury slow down

Nigeria international and Stoke City striker Peter Odemwingie has demanded more goals from teammate Victor Moses who made a return to the pitch after his injury setbacks.

Arsenal hopeful of completing Gabriel deal

Arsenal hopeful of completing Gabriel deal

The 24-year-old Brazilian's agent is in London to try to finalise the deal and the Gunners are optimistic they will be able to overcome any work permit obstacles
Arsenal are hopeful of completing the signing of Villarreal defender Gabriel Paulista in the coming days, Goal understands.

Ancelotti - 'Ronaldo and Messi need each other'

  The Italian says the rivalry between the two superstars drives both to become better players and talks about the importance of Por...