December 12, 2014

Breaking News: Obalende Police station on fire

The Kam Saleem police station at Obalende is currently on fire. The fire is ravaging the topmost floor of the high rise building. Biko fire service hurry there...

Sex is important in a relationship. If you can't f* well, keep your love' Maheeda

The goddess of sex took to her instagram page to ask fans the importance of sex in a relationship. She says its as important as love. If you can't ph**k well, you have no business being her man...

Breaking News: 100 Nigerians deported from Finland today

No fewer than 100 Nigerians were deported from Finland today Thursday December 11th after failing to get asylum. According to The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the deportees included women, children and whole families. They arrived at the Cargo Terminal of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA), Lagos, at 7a.m. aboard cargo airline - Privilege Gourment.

Photos: Nicki Minaj releases hot pic from her 2015 Calendar

If you buy any Nicki Minaj item from her store, you get a copy of her 2015 Calendar filled with very sexy photos of the rapper. She shared one pic from the calendar on instagram to let fans know what to expect

Breaking Nes: Woman narrates how she gave birth while in Boko Haram captivity

In an interview with BBC, an Nigerian woman (whose name was not given) who was kidnapped by Boko Haram militants while she was heavily pregnant narrated how she gave birth while in their captivity. The lady, who later escaped, was interviewed at one of the Internally Displaced camps in Adamawa where she is currently staying with her baby daughter. Read what she told BBC after the cut...

Winner emerges at the Lagos Seafood Competition -more photos

Miss Donald Grace has emerged the winner of the 2014 seafood festival pepper soup competition after she contested at the Lagos Seafood Festival which held on Saturday 6th December, 2014 at the Lagos bar beach.

Ancelotti - 'Ronaldo and Messi need each other'

  The Italian says the rivalry between the two superstars drives both to become better players and talks about the importance of Por...