December 9, 2014

Breaking News: Obasanjo launches his autobiography, says late Yar'Adua lied to him about his health

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo launched his controversial autobiography 'My Watch' at the Lagos Country club Ikeja, Lagos today Dec. 9th. Guest at the event included former VC of the University of Lagos, Prof. Ibidapo Obe and former Minister of Education, Oby Ezekwesili.

MediaTakeOut swears Rihanna is pregnant!

MTO is so sure about this story that they bet $10k on it. Lol. Read their report below...

Pic of the maid who abducted 2 young boys from their Lagos home

This is a photo of Juliet, the maid who abducted two kids - 2 and half year old Rafael and 15 months old Michael (both pictured above) from their home in Isheri Magodo Estate, Lagos on Sunday night December 8th (read here). Anyone with info should please call 08037071370 or contact the nearest police station.

Mansard building in VI on fire -more photos

The Mansard Insurance building behind Exxon Mobil on Aboyede Cole in Victoria Island is on fire at the moment. According to multiple eye witnesses, a tanker that brought fuel just exploded. Fire fighters are currently at the scene. More pics after the cut...

Footballer Taye Taiwo and wife loved up in new photos

 They've been married for years and have two kids together...

Ancelotti - 'Ronaldo and Messi need each other'

  The Italian says the rivalry between the two superstars drives both to become better players and talks about the importance of Por...