December 30, 2015

Julio Baptista- Real Madrid should stop firing coaches

Julio Baptista believes Real Madrid's lack of stability is preventing them from gaining consistent success.
The Spanish side have gone through nine coaches in the last 10 years, during which time they have won just three Liga titles and a Champions League crown.
And former Madrid player Baptista feels that the constant upheavel of the coaching staff is severely affecting the capital club, insisting that a lot of their changes are unneccessary.

"At Madrid if in a year you gain nothing, you don't have to change the coach," Baptista told AS.
"In 2015 under Carlo Ancelotti, Madrid won nothing, but the year before that they won the Champions League.
"Sometimes you have to put things in perspective to see if it is worth making a change."
In his two full seasons at the club, Baptista played under three coaches and he feels that such a lack of consistency affects the Madrid players.

And with Rafael Benitez under pressure as the club sit third in the league and just two points off Barcelona at the top, he maintains they must resist making any hasty decisions.
"Players need stability and changing the coach is no guarantee of success," Baptista said.
"You can hire the best in the world, but there are dynamics and if the players do not understand the coach, it is very difficult to achieve anything in the first year.

"I'm not saying there is a fault, but you have to look at it."
Currently without a club since he left Cruzeiro in the close season, the 34-year-old said he was looking to return to Europe but does not have many options.
"I would prefer to return to Europe, I love Spain," he said.

Blatter named football's most controversial figure of 2015 by Goal readers

Sepp Blatter has been voted as the most controversial figure in 2015 by Goal users - landing over a third of the votes.

The 79-year-old has endured a turbulent year after being in the centre of Fifa's corruption scandal, and although he still denies any wrongdoing, the disgraced president ended 2015 with an eight-year ban from all football-related activity.

Second in the poll was Diego Costa, who crashed and bullied his way through the year with Chelsea and ended up with 16% of the vote.

Real Madrid president and Florentino Perez and Karim Benzema were tied in third with 8% of the vote, while Rafa Benitez and Denis Cheryshev, the man at the heart of the Spanish club's Copa del Rey ban, ended up with 7% of the vote.

Mesut Ozil is now Arsenal’s most influential player ever

The German has racked up an incredible 16 assists already this season - four short of the record - and is emerging as the Gunners' greatest talisman under Arsene Wenger

Mesut Ozil has taken his game to a whole new level this season, so much so, in fact, that no Arsenal side has been as reliant on one single player as the current team are on their German talisman.

After a couple of largely underwhelming seasons following his club-record move, Ozil is now directly responsible for a higher percentage of the Gunners’ Premier League goals than any other player before him.

An astonishing 57 per cent of Arsenal’s 33 league goals this season have been scored or assisted by Ozil – he has only failed to contribute in one of his last 13 matches!

He has contributed a whole 4.9% more than the next best player, Robin van Persie, who scored or assisted 39 of 74 goals in the 2011/12 season, his final campaign at the Emirates.

Ozil is even providing a higher proportion of Arsenal’s goals than Thierry Henry in 2002/03 (51.8%), when the Frenchman scored or assisted 44 goals – the most of any Gunner in Premier League history.

At his current rate, Ozil is on course to rack up 39 combined goals and assists this season, just shy of Henry’s benchmark, but should break his Premier League assists record by February!

December 28, 2015

How to Avoid Weight Gain When Traveling for the Holidays

‘The season for holiday travel! As one of the busiest times of the year approaches, many of us are preparing for a vacation with our families and friends. While this is something to look forward to, it can also be stressful. Not to mention, there’s often lots of indulging between now and New Year’sand the last thing any of us wants is to pack on extra weight. Here are my five best tips for staying fit while you’re on-the-go this holiday season.

1. Walk everywhere

Instead of taking cabs or buses, try to walk whenever possible. This is one of my favorite things to do when traveling, even if I’m going somewhere familiar. It’s amazing what you can discover by walking around your hometown, and you’re fitting in extra exercise as a bonus. To give yourself an extra boost, always take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. And don’t get on those moving sidewalks in the airport!

 2. Find a local hike

For bonus points: Don’t just walk, hike! Do a bit of research to find a scenic spot for the whole family to enjoy. Not only will you boost your burn, but a change of scenery is also a great way to bond with your loved ones and experience something new.

3. Sightsee while on a run

Plenty of people just head home for the holidays, but if you’re going somewhere new and exciting this year do not overlook running routes as a fun way to see the sights. Nothing spices up a run or brisk walk quite like a beautiful view. If there’s a lake, ocean, or park nearby, use it as the starting point for your workout. This is a great way to explore the area on foot while getting your body moving and breaking a sweat.

4. Splurge, but only when it’s worth it

This is one of my go-to tips no matter where I am. I always want to enjoy the amazing food that come with the holidays, but I don’t want to expand my waistline while I’m there, either. If I did that every time I traveled, I’d surely gain weight over time.
Instead, I choose to splurge wisely on a few comfort meals or must-try restaurants, but I eat pretty simply the rest of the trip. In other words, if you’re at that famous bakery your mom loves and want to try their freshly baked bread, absolutely do it! But if you’re going to stop at a chain restaurant just to fuel up, opt for something on the healthier side and save those calories for dessert later on.

5. When all else fails, take five

When there’s free time in between activities or if it feels like we’ll be having a quieter day, I like to fit in a short workout. Here’s a quick circuit I love when I only have a few minutes to spare. It requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, such as if you’re waiting for your family to get ready for dinner. Do it once or as many times as you can before everyone is ready to go!

7 Major Health Lessons We Learned From Celebrities This Year

Like it or not, celebrities are a major force in American culture. That can be a bad thing when famous people spread misinformation (just because you’re known, doesn’t mean you’re in the know), but it can be a truly great things when celebs use their platform for good. In 2015, there were a handful of celebrities who did just that by sharing their own health struggles. In turn, they raised awareness about diseases affecting people around the world. Here, seven people who opened our eyes this year, and what we learned from them.

Angelina Jolie

All the way back in March, Angelina Jolie Pitt wrote a touching New York Times op-ed about her decision to have preventive surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes, just two years after having a preventive double mastectomy. Jolie Pitt carries a mutation in the BRCA1 gene that gives her an 87% chance of developing breast cancer and a 50% chance of developing ovarian cancer. Her first preventive surgery dramatically reduced her risk of developing breast cancer, and the latest surgery will likely keep her safe ovarian cancer.
What made her story truly inspiring was that a cancer scare was what prompted the surgery, and she was able to speak so movingly about a feeling so many people have experienced: “I went through what I imagine thousands of other women have felt. I told myself to stay calm, to be strong, and that I had no reason to think I wouldn’t live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren,” she wrote. She was also adamant about the need for other women with BRCA mutations to educate themselves about the many options available to find the one that’s right for them.

Selena Gomez

In an October interview with Billboard, Selena Gomez answered rumors that she was treated for addiction during a 2013 hiatus, revealing that in fact, she took some time off to be treated for lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease.
Gomez’ admission raised the profile of the potentially life-threatening disease that is often hard to diagnose, and started conversations about what it’s like to be seriously sick without looking like it. “I was diagnosed with lupus, and I’ve been through chemotherapy. That’s what my break was really about. I could’ve had a stroke,” Gomez told Billboard. “I wanted so badly to say, ‘You guys have no idea. I’m in chemotherapy. You’re a–holes.’ I locked myself away until I was confident and comfortable again.”
Lesson: never assume you know what others are going through.

Jimmy Carter

In August, former President Jimmy Carter announced that he was being treated for melanoma that had spread to his brain. The sad news (followed by an awesome recovery) brought attention to a new form of treatment for the disease–pembrolizumab (Keytruda). The drug is part of a rapidly growing class of drugs called immunotherapy, which uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer. Keytruda received accelerated approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for advanced melanoma in 2014, and this year the agency granted the drug the same for treating certain lung cancers.
This month, President Carter announced that he is now in remission.

Avril Lavigne

After ominously hinting at her health issues in a series of vague Twitter posts, Avril Lavigne opened up to People about her experience with Lyme disease. “I could barely eat, and when we went to the pool [at my 30th birthday party], I had to leave and go lie in bed,” she explained in an April interview with the magazine. “My friends asked, ‘What’s wrong?’ I didn’t know.”  After months, she finally got a diagnosis; her suffering was likely the result of the tick-related infection. By speaking out about her condition, Lavigne not only spread knowledge about the disease itself, but also about the importance of taking anti-tick precautions like bug spray and staying in the center of hiking trails.

The Truth About 7 Old Wives’ Tales About Food

Throughout my years as a sports nutritionist several athletes have asked whether they should avoid eating turkey on game days because it might make them sleepy. I’m also regularly asked things, like, “Do spicy foods really boost metabolism?” or “Do I really need eight glasses of water a day?” It seems there are a number of eating and drinking wives tales many people still wonder about, including some that are particularly relevant this time of year, like those dealing with colds and hangovers. To set the record straight on seven food-focused notions check out my roundup below. You may be surprised by which beliefs are solid, which are rooted in truth but often exaggerated, and which are just flat-out false.

Myth: Turkey makes you sleepy

This myth stems from the fact that turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that ups the brain chemical serotonin, used to make melatonin, which are both helpful for sleep. But the truth is the connection isn’t quite that simple or direct. First, turkey isn’t unique in its tryptophan content. The amino acid is also found in chicken, as long with other meats, fish, dairy, and eggs (and you probably haven’t felt sleepy after an omelet).
Without a hefty helping of carbohydrates, which make tryptophan more available to your brain, you probably won’t feel sleepy.
The real reason turkey has been tagged as a snooze inducer is because Thanksgiving (aka Turkey day) is a day of overeating for most people. Stuffing yourself with too much food diverts blood flow to your gut, which is the real brain drainer and energy zapper. So if you want to feel alert go ahead and eat some lean turkey, as long as it’s part of a balanced meal and not super-sized.

Fact: Chicken soups helps with a cold

This one has science on its side. A famous 2000 study from the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect, which may help ease pain or discomfort.
Chicken soup can also speed up the movement of mucus through the nose to relieve congestion. While cold beverages can slow the draining of mucous secretions, hot liquids thin them, so they’ll drain faster, which provides some relief. In addition, you tend to lose more fluid when you’re sick, from perspiration, or coughing, and the salt from soup can help keep you hydrated because it triggers water retention. If you don’t eat chicken, a veggie soup will do nicely, and either way adding veggies is a smart way to boost your nutrient intake and bolster immunity.

Myth: Alcohol helps you sleep

There have been more than 25 studies published about alcohol’s impact on sleep, and while it’s true that alcohol tends to reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, it also disrupts overall sleep, particularly important REM sleep, which is mentally restorative.
And the more you drink, the worse the impact.
If you have trouble sleeping be sure to cut off caffeine at least six hours before bed, keep your room cool, dark, and quiet, and instead of a glass of wine try even five minutes of meditation, deep breathing, or progressive relaxation (focusing on relaxing your body, starting with the tips of your toes, up to the top of your head), either before bed, or after you’ve tucked in.

Myth: Hair of the dog helps a hangover

While imbibing in the a.m. may help temporarily, you’ll rebound right back to hangover symptoms, and probably even intensify them. Having another drink forces your body to prioritize metabolizing the new alcohol, so you get a brief reprieve from the chemical aftermath of the previous night’s cocktails. But as soon as the new alcohol gets processed, you’re back where you started, except this time with even more toxins in your system. While preventing a hangover is your best bet, if you’ve already done the damage the true remedies are time, rest, and lots of H2O. Adding some electrolytes may also help with hydration, which is why pickle juice and coconut water are often cited as hangover helpers.

Fact: A spoonful of honey is good for coughs

Honey contains natural anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial substances. In fact, in one study, more than 100 children with upper respiratory tract infections were given either a honey flavored cough suppressant, nothing, or up to two teaspoons of pure honey before bed. The real honey not only reduced nighttime coughing and improved sleep, but it was just as effective as the over the counter medication.
Next time your throat hurts, ease the discomfort by mixing a little honey with warm water and lemon, or simply swallow honey straight from the spoon. (Note: Due to the risk of infant botulism, never give honey to a child younger than age of one.)

Myth: Spicy foods cause ulcers

We now know that ulcers aren’t caused by worrying, or eating spicy foods that “burn holes” in your stomach. Eighty to 90% of ulcers are caused by H. pylori bacteria, and as a result are treated with antibiotics.
That said, if you’re currently being treated for an ulcer avoiding spicy foods is a good idea until it has healed. But in general, having chili peppers in your diet may offer a number of health benefits, including boosting metabolism, thinning the blood, which lowers the risk of stroke, reducing the risk of certain cancers, supporting immunity, and reducing inflammation, a known trigger of premature aging and chronic disease.

Fact: Drinking water helps you lose weight

While it’s not true that you lose weight with every sip of water you drink there have been published studies to support the connection between water and weight management. One found that when adults downed two cups of water right before eating a meal they ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories. A second study, conducted by the same researchers, found that when two groups of people followed the same calorie-controlled plan for 12 weeks, those who drank two cups of water before meals lost about 15.5 pounds, compared to about 11 pounds in the non-water drinking group.
Plus, there is some research to show that water offers a slight metabolic boost. One German study found that drinking 16 ounces (2 cups) of water upped calorie burning by 30%. The effect was triggered within 10 minutes and sustained for over an hour. And while the impact was small, in terms of the total extra number of calories burned, day after day those little boosts can add up.

Health - Take Our 12 Days of Fitness Challenge to Stay Active Through the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, which means lots of merrymaking (read: sips and sweets). And while it may not be your intention to slack on your fitness routine, it does happen. In an effort to help you stay (somewhat) in line, we tapped 12 top trainers to provide some of their must-do moves. They are super simple–meaning they don’t require any crazy equipment– but will still help you work up a decent sweat. Try adding one to your current routine daily. Or, if you’ve been sprawled out on the couch watching TV all day (no judgement), use the next commercial break to do at least one of these moves. Happy holidays and happy sweating!

On the first day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Bridge Pose

Per Meg McNeal of Lyon’s Den Power Yoga: “This is an accessible way to stretch the front body and strengthen the back muscles. Your quadriceps strongly engage bringing the power of this pose into the legs.”
How to do it: Lay down on the ground bending both knees so feet are flat on the floor and you can graze the backs of your heels with your middle fingers. Feet should be about hip-width distance apart with toes facing forward. Lift hips up and walk the upper arm bones underneath your body, interlacing the fingertips underneath you. Pressing the four corners of the feet down into the floor to engage the leg muscles and keep rotating the inner thighs toward one another as if you were squeezing a yoga block (use a block if you want!); hold for 5 full breaths. Release the arms out from underneath you and roll down through the spinal column. Take one breath to rest and then come right back up. Repeat 5 times total.
Modification: Slip a yoga block (at its greatest height) underneath the body and rest your sacrum on the block. This is a resting bridge pose, which will stimulate and invigorate the body as a backbend but with a lot less work involved.

On the second day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Seated Dumbbell Front Raise

Corey Calliet of Calliet X-treme Fitness, AKA the man who helped Michael B. Jordan get the drool-worthy body for his staring role in Creed, says: “This shoulder sculptor targets the front delts to build and define the muscle. Feel the burn!”
How to do it: Sit tall on an exercise bench with an 8-10 pound dumbbell in each hand. Raise arms with an explosive force; hold and squeeze for a count of two at the top. Slowly and with control lower dumbbells back down, and then repeat. Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

On the third day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Walk Out Plank Push-up

“This is a great at-home workout that targets multiple muscles— core, chest, anterior deltoids and triceps — without any need for equipment,” explains Lena Marti, instructor at HIIT-based Orangetheory and star of Bravo’s fitness reality series Work Out New York.
How to do it: Start standing; bend knees slightly and place hands on the floor. Keep back flat. Walk hands out into a plank position and perform one pushup. When you rise back to plank, walk hands back to toes and stand. Do 4 sets of 8 reps with 45 seconds to 1-minute rest in between sets.
Modification: Perform the push-up on your knees.

On the fourth day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Kettlebell High Pull

“This is a great lower and upper body exercise that will really works those shoulders,” explains Tyler Manzo, CrossFit coach at Brick Grand Central. “And the higher the reps the bigger the shoulder burn.”
How to do it: Start with feet an inch outside of shoulders with a kettlebell on the ground between feet. With chest up and eyes forward, bend knees and grab the kettlebell with both hands. Keeping arms straight, stand up with force, pulling the kettlebell up to chest by bending elbows out to the sides and raising forearms. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

On the fifth day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Hip Drive into Step Up and Lift

“This combo makes a great workout finisher or super-efficient mini workout that hits all your largest muscle groups for a metabolic shock that will have you burning calories and fat for the rest of your day,” says Brynn Putnam, founder of Refine Method, a boutique fitness studio in NYC.
How to do it: Sit with your hips on your heels holding an 8-10 pounds medicine ball at your chest. Brace your abs and drive from your glutes, coming to your knees. Step your right foot forward, then use your left foot to step up onto a 6- to 12-inch box, lifting up until right toe, and then lifting the ball across your body towards your left shoulder. Step down and return to seated position. Perform for 60 seconds and then rest for 30s, alternating sides. Do 6-10 rounds.

On the sixth day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Lateral Burpee

“This bodyweight move, which can be done anywhere with very little space, works the chest, shoulders, legs and core and is fantastic for burning fat and improving overall conditioning,” says Adam Rosante, founder of The People’s Bootcamp and author of The 30-Second body: Eat Clean. Train Dirty. Live Hard.
How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Squat down and place hands on the floor under shoulders. Jump feet back to land in a push-up position. Perform a push-up. Jump feet back to start, then explosively jump straight up and over to the right. Land softly and repeat the entire movement, this time jumping up and over to the left. Keep alternating sides. Perform the move for 30-seconds, resting up to 30-seconds before repeating. That’s 1 round. Do 8 total rounds.

On the seventh day of fitness my trainer gave to me…Plank

“Planks are a great ab-targeting exercise that incorporate the whole body— shoulders, arms, upper and lower back, glutes, thighs, hamstrings, calves and feet,” notes Danny Musico, celeb trainer who has whipped everyone from Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg to Jessica Simpson and JoJo into tip-top shape.
How to do it: Get into the “up” part of a push-up, aligning your shoulders, arms, upper and lower back while contracting your core down through your glutes. Keep your body as straight as possible with the focus on your mid-section stability. Do 3 sets starting at 30 seconds and then build up.

On the eighth day of fitness my trainer gave to me…Lynx Hamstring Curl

“This move works your entire core, along with your butt and hamstrings,” says Harley Pasternak, is the man behind a bevy of celeb bodies including Megan Fox, Katy Perry and Ariana Grande.
How to do it: Lie face-up, legs extended out in front of you with heels on Lynx discs (or Valslides, Sklz Slidez, or even towels). Slowly move feet in toward butt as you lift butt and lower back off the ground to come into a hip bridge. Slide feet back out and then using your core lift up to a seated position with hands straight out in front of you. Lower back down and repeat entire move. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

On the ninth day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Backwards Lunge Jumps

“Not only will this explosive move help elevate your heart rate, but it is a great sculptor for your quads, hamstrings, calves and abs while simultaneously working on your coordination,” explains Alonzo Wilson, Founder of Tone House, an extreme athletic fitness studio in New York.
How to do it: Start with feet together, take a giant step back with the right leg, and lower down into a lunge. Explode off the left leg jumping up and driving the right knee forward. Land back in the lunge position. Do all reps on right and then repeat move on left side. Do 3 sets of 20 reps per leg.
Modification: Can’t jump? Lunge back and then rise up and drive your working knee forward.

On the tenth day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Renegade Row

“Not only will this help stabilize your core, it will also help improve posture and tone arms when done correctly,” explains Joe Holder, Nike running and training coach and elite trainer at S10 Training. “This is crucial as proper posture creates a better-perceived physique. The back, especially mid-back, is an often under targeted area for women and this exercise hits key muscles that will assist in posture improvement and overall strength.”
How to do it: Grab a pair of 8- to 10-pound dumbbells and get in plank position with your hands on weights and feet hip-width apart; press into dumbells for better balance. Bend right elbow and then raise dumbbell until your elbow passes your torso. Lower arm back to start and repeat on the other side. Continue alternating. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

On the eleventh day of fitness my trainer gave to me…Hand Step-Up

“Many women shy away from machines in the gym for chest work and have truly poor form when doing push-ups,” says Andia Winslow, founder of the Fit Cycle and a running coach at New York City’s indoor running studio Mile High Club. “That’s why the Hand step-up is a great starter move. It works the chest and shoulders yes, but when down properly, the core as well. It also helps with posture and body control.”
How to do it: Find an elevated surface— curb, back of a treadmill, low plyo box, stack of hard back books—and situate body in push-up form in front of elevated surface with legs extended and shoulders stacked over wrists. For 30 seconds, with right hand leading, place right hand on elevated surface followed by left and then return right hand to lower surface, followed by left. Take a one-minute break and repeat the move for another 30 seconds, leading with the left hand. Do 3 rounds.

On the twelfth day of fitness my trainer gave to me… Bent-Leg Butt Lift

“This is the ultimate butt-lifting move,” says Jason Bayus, trainer at YG Studios in New York City. “With your shoulders set up lower than your hips, you’re enlisting gravity to help strengthen and tone those glutes. The slow descent of the leg challenges your right obliques while also toning the supporting arms isometrically.”
How to do it: Start on all fours with hands clasped together and head lightly resting on hands. Lift your right leg as high as possible, leg and knee turned out with your foot flexed. Slowly begin to bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle as the leg drops to your side almost to the floor. (Keep foot higher than knee) Next, press the leg and heel of your right foot back up high into the air as your leg straightens directly behind you. Switch legs. Work up to 3 sets of 25 reps per leg.

Benin PM Lionel Zinsou escapes from helicopter crash

Benin's Prime Minister walked away unscathed after the helicopter in which he was traveling crashed in the country's northwest, his daughter said.
It is unclear why the helicopter carrying Lionel Zinsou crash-landed in a stadium.
"My father is fine. There were no victims in the helicopter accident in Djougou," Marie-Cecile Zinsou tweeted.
Earlier this month, Mr Zinsou confirmed he would run as a candidate in Benin's 2016 presidential elections.
The helicopter crashed while landing at a stadium in the city of Djougou, a spokesman for Benin's interior ministry Leonce Houngbadji told the AFP news agency.

He said no-one in the helicopter was hurt.
Mr Zinsou, a former private-equity executive, was appointed prime minister of Benin in June.
He has said he will run for president in February's election as a candidate of the ruling Cowry Forces for an Emerging Benin (FCBE) party.

Reuters reported in early December that Mr Zinsou's announcement put an end to speculation Benin's president Thomas Boni Yayi was seeking a third term.

The Amazing Foot Skills of This 15 Year Old Girl

The quickest footwork in soccer is usually performed by men, wearing professional jerseys on the soccer field – this girl is on the streets, in jeans and dropping jaws.

Breaking News: Blatter's Ducking And Diving Catches Up With Him

From the moment Sepp Blatter became FIFA president in 1998 he has been dogged by allegations of corruption, and calls from inside football and out, to stand aside.

And for almost 20 years, he has managed to stay one step ahead of his pursuers.
No matter how tight the corner he has always found a way to slip the punch and fight on.
Whether it was allegations of bribery in his first election campaign, accusations of financial mismanagement in his second, or the corruption scandal surrounding the award of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, he has managed to stay on his feet.

With an irony that will have delighted his opponents but appeared entirely lost on Blatter, the ban was handed down by FIFA's Ethics Committee, a body he established to try and convince the world that he was committed to cleaning up FIFA.
In the past it appeared to act as a hit-squad on his behalf, taking out former allies like the rogue Jack Warner when he posed a threat to Mr Blatter's reputation, or Mohammed Bin Hammam, his rival for the FIFA presidency in 2011.
Now it has targeted him, Blatter refuses to accept the verdict, and suggests that someone inside FIFA is pulling the trigger for their own purpose.
It is hubris entirely in keeping with his presidency and his leaving of it.
That was evident in his choice of venue for the valedictory press conference.
Barred from FIFA's current premises, he rented their former HQ above Lake Zurich, the building he first walked into 40 years ago when he joined the organisation.
In the same auditorium where he once hosted Nelson Mandela (and was first asked if he accepted bribes) he railed against the perceived injustice of the verdict.
He continued to maintain his innocence when he sat down with Sky News for his only UK interview afterwards, but up close the toll this has taken was clear.

Australia train derails with sulphuric acid cargo

An exclusion zone is in place after a 26-carriage freight train carrying some 200,000 litres (44,000 gallons) of sulphuric acid derailed in Australia.
The accident happened at 10:20 Sunday morning, 20km (12.4 miles) east of Julia Creek in north-west Queensland.
Three train staff are in hospital with minor injuries. The site was quickly declared an emergency and the 2km exclusion zone was imposed.
The extent of any acid leakage remains unclear, says Queensland Police.
The area has also been affected by flooding, which has hampered access to the site.

Qatar move is an option- Ibrahimovic

Paris Saint-Germain striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic has suggested he could continue his career in Qatar.
The 34-year-old's existing contract with the Ligue 1 champions is due to expire at the end of the season and he has yet to make a decision on his future.
Ibrahimovic has been heavily linked with a move to MLS and the Premier League, but he has hinted that a move to the Qatar Stars League is an option as well.

"My current situation is new to me. I have an expiring contract and that is a new experience. I am free to do what I want," Ibrahimovic told L'Equipe.
"I am focused on PSG for now. I still have six months to go on my current contract and I want to give my best for the team. I do not have a next destination in mind.
"I have a good relationship with PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi and with the people of Qatar, but I cannot say anything at this stage. Let's just say that a move to Qatar is an option.
"I am enjoying my football at the moment and I'm feeling well both mentally and physically. I am enjoying myself each game. We will see what happens."
Ibrahimovic has worked with coaches such as Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Carlo Ancelotti and Laurent Blanc throughout his career and he has revealed that he could pursue a career on the bench as well once he hangs up his boots.
"I do not think as a player," he added.
"I have a lot of experience and have played under some great coaches. They have learned me a lot.

John Mikel sets appearance record with Chelsea

John Mikel Obi became the 21st player to make 350 appearances for Chelsea in the Blues’ 2-2 draw against Watford in Saturday’s English Premier League fixture.
The Nigerian was a 46th minute substitute for Cesc Fabregas as Guus Hiddink’s team failed to subdue the Hornets at the Stamford Bridge.
Also, the feat makes him become the club’s third-highest overseas appearance maker since his move from Lyn Oslo in 2006.

“Personally it is going to be great for me if I can achieve that number,’ Mikel told Chelsea website before the game against Quique Sanchez Flores’ team.

“I also want to push on and see how many more appearances I can get. For me it has been a great time here, I still enjoy it and ever since I walked into this football club I knew this was the place for me.
“I am so happy and so proud of the amount of games I have played for this club and at the same time using these games to win trophies and medals. This is the most important thing.

“For the past 10 years we have helped build the reputation of this club and Chelsea is up there in world football. I am so proud of what I have achieved and I still want to keep going.”

December 27, 2015

The Top Five (5) Most Dangerous Airlines in the World

The past couple of years have not been good for aviation, at least not from a PR perspective. From the botched landing of Asiana flight 214 in late 2013, to the fatal crashes of not one, but two Malaysia Airlines 777s in 2014, to the tragic loss at sea of an Indonesia AirAsia plane just a few months ago, it seems like there's a major plane crash every time you turn on the news.

The good news is that in spite of how dangerous flying might seem to be, global aviation safety continues to improve, overall, year-over-year. The bad news? None of the world's most dangerous airlines make headlines, which means you may inadvertently board one of their planes without knowing.
Lion Air - Aero Icarus via Wikimedia Commons
Indonesia's Lion Air is one of the world's most dangerous airlines. Aero Icarus via Wikimedia Commons

1.  Lion Air

Although Indonesia AirAsia has come under a great deal of scrutiny since flight QZ8501 crashed in late 2014, it is not Indonesia's most dangerous, even if its overall safety rating prevents it from ever flying to the United States or European Union, a ban shared by fellow Indonesian carriers Garuda Indonesia, KALstar Aviation and Sriwijaya Air.
No, that dubious honor goes to Lion Air, who has suffered many hull losses during its time in operation, although only one of them ever made major headlines.
Nepal Airlines - Krish Dulal via Wikimedia Commons
This is all that remains of doomed Nepal Airlines flight 183. Krish Dulal via Wikimedia Commons

2.  Nepal Airlines

It's difficult not to have empathy for pilots who land jets in Nepal, what with the Himalayas being there and all – some planes are bound to be less lucky than others. This is unfortunately true not only anecdotally but in reality, with Nepal Airlines in particular being dangerous.
Having experienced nearly a dozen fatal accidents in the past three decades, in spite of a relatively modest flight schedule, Nepal Airlines gets just one star (out of a potential seven) from, a site which ranks airline safety using a number of metrics.
Kam Air - Karla Marshall via Wikimedia Commons
Afghanistan's Kam Air is one of the easiest dangerous airlines to avoid. Karla Marshall via Wikimedia Commons

3.  Kam Air

The only thing less likely than having heard about Kam Air is having the opportunity (or need, as it were) to fly it – based in Afghanistan, Kam Air is not an airline the average backpacker would fly these days, unless that backpack is owned by the U.S. military. Kam Air has only been in operation for a decade, but has already experienced fatal accidents resulting in more than 100 passenger deaths.
Tara Air - Solundir via Wikimedia Commons
Tara Air operates exclusively within the Himalaya region of Nepal. Solundir via Wikimedia Commons

4.  Tara Air

Tara Air maintains just as low a profile, internationally speaking, as Kam Air, although it operates in Nepal instead of Afghanistan. Although only one Tara Air flight has resulted in passenger fatalities, the airline has only existed for six years, which raises serious questions about its overall safety.
Tara Air is relatively easy for most travelers to avoid, since it operates exclusively to rural destinations in Nepal, but if you want to explore the foothills of the Himalaya, and don't have the time to endure the long overland journey from Kathmandu, you may find yourself with little choice but to fly Tara Air.
SCAT Airlines - Maarten Visser via Wikimedia Commons
SCAT's planes might not look like its namesake, but the airline's safety record does. Maarten Visser via Wikimedia Commons

5.  SCAT Airlines

Kazakhstan-based SCAT Airlines' name doesn't do it any favors, even if you except the fact that its name is an acronym for something rather innocuous: "Special Cargo Air Transport." Unfortunately, SCAT's air record is just as smelly as what you think of when you first hear its name, but not because of how many fatal crashes it's suffered (just one) since it began operations in 1997.
Rather, the European Commission's decision to blacklist SCAT stems from an overall lack of confidence in its regulatory processes, which has spilled over onto other Kazakh airlines.

Spring 2016 Medieval Pouch Bags

Modern-day Maid Marians travel light, so luckily the latest crop of Robin Hood and his merry band of men-worthy pouch bags are just big enough to hold any urban forest essentials and adorned with touches of chains, fringe and even a metal bracelet clasp that looks like a chic handcuff.

Tips for Twinning in style-Fashion

With their matching bomber jackets, full-length black leggings and co-ordinating handbags, shoppers in Los Angeles might have thought they were seeing double when crossing models-of-the-moment Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner as they popped into Barneys in West Hollywood yesterday.

Were their matchy-matchy ensembles a genuine coincidence, or had they both pulled on the latest delivery of freebies to have arrived at their door only to realise that they were the recipients of some very similar gifting? After all, both their nylon jackets hailed from Alpha Industries (admittedly Kendall’s was from her brother-in-law Kanye West’s Yeezus tour), and both toted black handbags by Yves Saint Laurent (Hadid’s is the quilted Monogram, while Jenner’s has a tassel and a pom-pom).

From the back: Gigi and Kendall sport similar Yves Saint Laurent handbags 
From the back: Gigi and Kendall sport similar Yves Saint Laurent handbags
It could just be that the off-duty models have taken to sporting the same ‘ath-leisure uniform’, one which is comfortable and enables you to work out at the drop of a hat (if that's your thing), but is elevated with a dash of a designer logo. And they’re not the only ones, as these Twinning champions prove. If you want to take on the Twinning trend and win, there’s a few key principles to bear in mind:

Be the same, but different

The idea isn’t too look like identically-dressed twin five-year-olds - the difference lies in the details. A shared motif worn in a slightly varying way looks calculated as opposed to accidental.

Cara Delevingne and partner St Vincent in sartorial harmony courtesy of Burberry 
Cara Delevingne and partner St Vincent in sartorial harmony courtesy of Burberry

Always twin with someone similar in stature

We always have that taller, thinner friend who we’re slightly enviable of, so note to self: she is not the one to go twinning with. The reason why those street style twins are so easy on the eye is because they really could pass for sisters – in all senses of the meaning.

Street style Twinning champions Shea Marie and  Caroline Vreeland 
Street style Twinning champions Shea Marie and  Caroline Vreeland

Wearing contrasting colours is a great way to confuse people

Paris and Nicky Hilton are having the last laugh here, because they’re probably commanding a nice fee to wear a designer’s outfits, without looking exactly the same. Try turning up to a party in co-ordination with a friend and seeing how many people notice- it could really throw your host.

Paris and Nicky Hilton 
Paris and Nicky Hilton

If you’re twinning by accident, smile - and style it out

If it turns out that half of those shopping at Topshop/ Zara/ & Other Stories fell for the same print as you, hold your head up high and let your individuality shine through. Hopefully you will have styled item in a totally maverick manner, meaning you won’t look like your neighbour’s mirror image.

Elisa Nalin and Tamu McPherson grin out their similar passion for fashion 
Elisa Nalin and Tamu McPherson grin out their similar passion for fashion

December 25, 2015

Breaking News: Monkey Steals Bus While Driver Slept In India

An Indian bus company said a joyriding monkey got behind the wheel of a bus while the driver was napping and crashed it into two parked buses. The Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation said the bus driver was taking a nap while parked at a station in Bareilly about a half an hour before his scheduled departure when a monkey climbed into the bus and managed to start the engine.

The driver woke up and moved to chase the monkey away, but it shifted the bus into second gear while fleeing out the window. “The driver managed to regain control of the bus but not before it hit two other parked buses,” SK Sharma, a regional manager for the bus company, told the Times of India. Sharma said the company has had monkey troubles in the past.

“Monkeys have become a regular menace at bus stations and workshops, where they often fiddle with vehicles undergoing repair. They have also damaged CCTV cameras at stations. Three years back we had taken the help of municipal authorities to get rid of them but they have returned,” Sharma said. Sharma said the bus company is in talks with local officials about hiring trappers to relocate the monkeys.

Tech: Russian Scientists Develop Quadcopter That Can Be Controlled By Thoughts

Thanks to the hard work of a few Russian scientists, everyone might soon be able to use the power of telekinesis.
They’ve created a special quadcopter that doesn’t need external controls as it can be operated with the power of thought. The user needs to put on a special helmet that can read human thoughts and translate them into machine-readable instructions, telling the copter how high and far to fly.
The project was financed by Russia’s Foundation for Advanced Research, an organisation that supports research programs in the interest of national defense. Neurobotics, a Zelenograd-based company, worked on the copter’s design for many years before developing a successful prototype. “Commands, or ‘conditions’ as we call them, are generated by the sensors on the head of an operator,” Neurobotics director Vladimir Konyshev explained. “The person thinks about certain actions at right moments which the system then recognises and identifies.”
One of the most notable features of the technology is that it allows the user to multitask. “It is important that the demonstrator who controls the copter can do something else at the same time,” he added. “Only then we can talk about a technology that can be used for military purposes.” So the scientists who are currently testing the device are able to control it while going about other activities simultaneously.
According to Vitaliy Davidov of the Fund of Perspective Research Development of the Russian Federation, the technology is important because it has many other applications apart from controlling drones or copters. “The possibilities for usage of the neurointerface are also very interesting and does not have to be exclusively used for the copter,” he said.

Breaking News: Sokoto proposes over N161b budget, Kebbi N107b, Taraba N68.8b

Three of the 36 Nigerian states - Sokoto, Taraba and Kebbi have joined those that had presented their budget proposals for the 2016 fiscal year.
Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal of Sokoto has proposed a budget of over N161 billion for the 2016 fiscal year to the state assembly.
The state Commissioner of Information, Alhaji Abdulkadir Jeli Abubakar III told journalists on Wednesday after the state weekly executive council meeting chaired by the governor, that over N50 billion  was for recurrent expenditure while capital expenditure stood at over N110 billion.
His Finance counterpart, Saidu Umar described it as a 'balanced budget' saying every aspect captured in the proposal was backed by appropriate revenue and expenditure lines.
According to him, "education has to top the proposal in view of the declaration of state of emergency on the sector."
He said a committee to revitalise the sector in terms of funding had been set up in addition to other supportive measures to adequately fund the sector.
Commissioner for Justice, Barrister Suleiman Usman said the proposed budget reflected the hope and aspirations of the people of Sokoto State saying, "It is a budget of hope, aspirations and change for optimum service, transformation and responsive governance."
Taraba State Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku on Wednesday presented to the State House of Assembly a budget of N68.8 billion for the fiscal year 2016.
Ishaku who called the appropriation bill "The Rescue Budget" said it was prepared bearing in mind "the realities of times.
 "We can only spend what we have; our projections are conservative and based on what we feel are more certain to accrue within the 2016 fiscal period."
A breakdown of the rescue budget has recurrent expenditure of N42.7 billion, representing 62.10 percent, and a capital expenditure of N26 billion, representing 37.90 percent of the budget.
The governor is expecting fiscal projections from the traditional revenues of the federal statutory allocations of N35.8 billion, Internally Generated Revenues (IGR) of N5.3 billion, Value Added Tax (VAT) of N8.6 billion, Aids and Grants N5.3 billion, proposed internal loan of N12 billion and external loan draw down of N1.4 billion.
He listed his priority areas as agriculture, health and peace.
Housing and urban development carried the lion share of N4.8 billion, followed by skills and knowledge enhancement programme with N3.4 billion and governance with N3.4 billion.
Agriculture carried N2.3 billion, health N2.9 billion while roads construction and transportation carried N2.4 billion.
Moreover, poverty alleviation got N100 million, youth empowerment N235.8 million, private sector N297 million, gender empowerment N350 million and airways N500 million.
The governor said he had directed that a strategic framework for the implementation of his rescue agenda manifesto be developed between now and the end of February 2016, to serve as the basis for the annual budgets of the state from now to 2019.
The Deputy Speaker Muhammed Gwampo said "the appropriation bill will be speedily deliberated upon and put into law in the soonest possible time, so that we shall not delay the governor in his agenda of rescuing Taraba state."
Governor Abubakar Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi State has presented a budget of N107 billion to the State House of Assembly for the 2016 fiscal year.
The budget tagged '’Bring back Kebbi State on track’’ with   N73 billion for capital expenditure and N34 billion for recurrent expenditure.
The highest allocation of N16.4 billion was to education sector followed by agriculture with N12.5 billion while the health sector got N3.9 billion.
Governor Bagudu decried the level of decay in the education sector, saying the  immediate past administration allocated only N3 billion to the sector “which is currently characterised by poor infrastructure like furniture and lack of enough motivated teachers in schools.”
In his response after the presentation, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Samaila Abdulmumin Kamba promised that the House would expedite action on the budget for rapid development of the state.

December 21, 2015

Facebook Plea To Stop Taliban Taking Helmand

The southern Afghanistan province where hundreds of British troops were killed is "on the brink" of falling to the Taliban, according to a senior official.

Helmand's deputy governor Mohammad Jan Rasulyar took the unusual step of writing a public plea to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Facebook, warning of the need to take urgent action, following two days of intense fighting which cost the lives of dozens of members of the security forces.

He wrote: "We don't provide food and ammunition to our forces on time, do not evacuate our wounded and martyred soldiers from the battle field, and foreign forces only watch the situation from their bases and don't provide support."

Mr Rasulyar said around 90 soldiers had been killed in fighting near Gereshk, which is near the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, where British forces had one of their bases.

He described these losses as "an everyday issue" and said there had been a further 44 casualties overnight in Sangin, which was "on the verge of collapse".

In 2006, British troops began an operation to take Helmand from the Taliban and the region, one of Afghanistan's poorest, became the focus of their 13-year stay in the country.

After Britain pulled out late last year, however, the Afghan Security Forces were left largely fighting alone.
Despite extensive training by US and British forces, many doubted their ability to hold the province, which had previously been a Taliban stronghold and the centre of Afghanistan's opium production.

While the Afghan army and police have been weakened by desertions and a lack of supplies, the Taliban has attacked checkpoints, conducted a suicide attack on Gereshk's police chief, and captured the districts of Musa Qalah and Now Zad in Helmand's north.

If Helmand was to fall, it would deliver a massive blow to the government's claim it is keeping the Taliban insurgency under control.

A spokesman for Afghanistan's Army, Mohammad Rasool Zazai, insisted Helmand would never collapse.
Police chief Abul Rahman Sarjang said there are "strong forces" in the province, added they sometimes left areas "for tactical reasons".

He said: "Very soon, we will have major achievements to report."
Underlining the gravity of the situation, US special forces have been reported to have taken part in fighting in Helmand in recent weeks. NATO headquarters in Kabul has not confirmed the reports.

A Pentagon report to Congress last week highlighted major shortcomings with Afghan security forces, despite billions of dollars of foreign aid and training.

Air Drop Warns Ramadi Residents To Leave

The Iraqi military leaflets advised people living in the city that they should depart within 72 hours.

An army officer told Reuters: "It is an indication that a major military operation to retake the city centre will start soon."
Last week, Iraqi armed forces said they had made major advances in the vicinity of Ramadi and were now operating on its edge.
They took a key military base from fighters on the western edge of the city after attacking them on two fronts.

Analysts estimate there are between 250 and 300 IS militants in the centre of Ramadi.
The Iraqi forces have been backed up in their fight in Anbar province by coalition airstrikes.
RAF Tornados have been involved in providing close air support in and around Ramadi.

It is not known if coalition jets are likely to be involved in any future planned operation.
The United States and its allies staged 20 strikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria on Friday, including one near the Iraqi city of Fallujah.
The US admitted the latter strike is being investigated as a possible friendly fire incident.

The vast majority of Friday's strikes were carried out against IS in Iraq, with targets near five other cities including Ramadi involved.
Iraq's defence minister Khaled al Obeidi predicted on Saturday that security forces would retake full control of Ramadi by the end of the year.

Man Dies After Being Sucked Into Jet Engine

A man working for Air India has died after being sucked into a jet engine after a "mishap".
The freak accident happened as the plane pushed back for take-off at Mumbai airport, the airline said.
It reportedly happened after the co-pilot of flight Al 619 to the southern city of Hyderabad mistook a signal from ground staff and started the engine.

Maintenance man Ravi Subramanian, who was standing close by, was sucked into the engine and died instantly.
India's national carrier said on Twitter that he had "died in a mishap during pushback of flight AI 619".
The airline sent its "heartfelt condolences" to the man's family and its boss, Ashwani Lohani, said he was "deeply saddened".
A source told the Hindustan Times: "At the moment, we are absolutely clueless on how this person was near the aircraft.

"Only an inquiry can establish whose negligence it was and whether the engine should have been switched on at that time."

The state-run carrier, which has not reported an annual profit since 2007, has been troubled recently by a number of technical glitches and other awkward incidents, including staff turning up late for flights.
The airline made headlines in April when it was forced to ground two of its pilots after the pair started to fight just before take off.

The latest incident comes a week after a turboprop plane owned by budget carrier SpiceJet skidded as it hit a group of wild boars as it came in to land at Jabalpur airport in central India.

Blatter And Platini To Learn Fate After FIFA Probe

Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini will discover whether they are to face lengthy bans from football today when the FIFA ethics committee announces its judgement on allegations of corruption against them.

The FIFA and UEFA presidents, both currently provisionally suspended from football, face multi-year and possibly life bans following an investigation into the circumstances of a £1.35m payment made by Blatter to Platini.

Both men say the payment, which is also the subject of a Swiss criminal investigation, was for consultancy work carried out by Platini for Blatter between 1998 and 2002.

It was not made until February 2011 however, nine years after the work ended, and just three months before a FIFA Presidential election in which Platini, then UEFA president, supported Blatter.

According to Platini's lawyers, the investigatory chamber of the FIFA ethics committee has recommended that both men face bans of around seven years, rising to life if the adjudicatory chamber, chaired by German judge Hans Joachim Eckert, views the payment as corrupt.

Judge Eckert held personal hearings for both men at FIFA headquarters in Zurich last week.
Blatter attended his for around eight hours on Thursday. Platini boycotted his hearing on Friday, describing it as a farce, but his lawyers argued his case for more than nine hours.

If found guilty, both can appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, with Platini already committed to clearing his name in order that he can stand in the FIFA presidential election in February.
Platini claims that he agreed a CHF1m a-year contract with Blatter but was paid only half of that amount at the time, because FIFA was in financial trouble.

He says he then forgot to invoice for the balance until nine years later.
Blatter says he agreed the deal in a verbal contract and that the payment was legitimate.
The deal came to light as part of a criminal investigation by the Swiss attorney general into the award of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments.

In a statement Blatter's lawyer, Richard Cullen, said: "President Blatter looks forward to a decision in his favour, because the evidence requires it."

"President Blatter behaved properly and certainly did not violate FIFA’s code of ethics. This investigation should be closed and the suspension lifted," Mr Cullen added.
Blatter is scheduled to hold a news conference in Zurich at 10am GMT, around the time the verdicts are expected.

Platini's lawyer said: "Mr Platini is innocent. That is what we have evidenced to the commission today through witness testimony and a number of other evidences. Now we are hoping that the ethics commission will render the law."

Ancelotti IN, Guardiola OUT: Have Bayern just acquired their Champions League golden ticket?

Bayern Munich have announced Pep Guardiola will leave at the end of the season with Carlo Ancelotti ready to step into his place as coach. Bayern won’t be getting a man like Pep - who has single-handedly redefined the sport on a tactical and strategic level. They will, however, be taking on a very capable replacement who might just be able to deliver what has eluded Pep over the course of his two seasons in charge – the Champions League title.

Pep was initially signed for more than just trophies; he was signed to forge and direct a new top-down football philosophy at Bayern but departs only one measly contract into what Bayern had hoped would be a dynasty. He’s taken the first team on light-years tactically and he’s brought through players but will Pep have done for Bayern by June what Johann Cruyff did in his time at Barcelona? That is impossible. Bayern will not be able to hand over the reins to a Pep disciple and carry on, like Barca did with the late Tito Vilanova.

What, then, has the Pep era brought to Bayern? Remarkable as it may sound, the world’s pre-eminent tactician still has people to convince. The reason is understandable. Given their budget and competitive advantage over the rest of the Bundesliga, the German league title is taken as a near certainty before a ball is kicked in Bavaria - every season. Roughly it goes that Bayern win one and someone else wins it every two years. Indeed, it needs to be a terrible season for them to lose it.

Instead, despite its vagaries and fortune, the Champions League title is the one by which Bayern and their rivals are measured. Win it and they’ve done well; lose it and they haven’t. It’s blunt but accurate for the European super clubs.

Nobody is saying that Ancelotti is a more innovative coach than Guardiola but Bayern are effectively swapping a man who can as good as guarantee the league title for one who gives them a better shot at the Champions League. In the absence of a permanent Pep, one who would associate his name with Bayern forever, that is the best they can do.

Barcelona went on to win the trophy last season after battering Bayern out of sight in the semi-finals. The season before it was Ancelotti-coached Real Madrid who would also go on to claim the cup after beating Bayern convincingly in the last four.

Ancelotti demonstrated in those games that the football vision or philosophy he has is flexible enough to deal with the opponent on the night. He was content to leave the ball to Bayern and attempt to pick off them on the counter. That was an opposite approach to the one he usually used in La Liga. It worked. Pep lost himself in the second leg and Bayern melted down.

Having won the Bundesliga title as early as March with an away win at Hertha Berlin, Pep celebrated long into the night and ceded to his players’ demands for a day off. Then Bayern went soft. They won the league so early that they psychologically clocked out. They dropped points left right and centre in the Bundesliga and were smashed by Real. Pep’s ability to smother an entire league campaign worked against him as his players had long since given up before the semis. Perversely, that’s not a fear for a team coached by Ancelotti.

For him, league titles are a little harder to come by than Pep. He has won only three in his 20-odd years as a coach compared to Pep’s five. The Italian has, though, won three Champions League titles too. As ratios go, that one is pretty rare in the modern game.

Ancelotti’s methods might well be better suited to the vicissitudes of knockout football than the unrelenting monotony of a league campaign. He is a coach whose strengths lie in man-management; making players feel comfortable, at ease, and content to play their own game.

This kind of psychological disarmament is best applied in the Champions League where sometimes players need to be wound down before a big game instead of being wound up. Brian Clough, for example, encouraged his Nottingham Forest players to drink beer on the coach towards the 1979 European Cup final. They won.

Ancelotti left a lasting impact among the players in his last job to the extent that Cristiano Ronaldo described him lately as a big "cute bear" who he missed a lot. James Rodriguez, Sergio Ramos, Marcelo, Toni Kroos and others all publically declared their sadness at his exit. That sort of devotion brought glory to Real, and elsewhere in Ancelotti’s career, and could stand him well in his next assignment at Bayern.

The Champions League is the title Bayern crave above all other. Guardiola will have one more shot at it before he goes. There is plenty of respect for Pep in that Bayern dressing room but is there that same love which carried the players to win a defiant treble for the outgoing Jupp Heynckes?

December 20, 2015

Twin Sisters Who Are Married To One Husband

Wonders, they say, shall never end. It’s true. Unlike the identical twins in a previous story where one stabbed the other after they fell in love with the same man and only one of them got him, the twin sisters in this story have agreed and decided to share the same man in love without any fight.

The twin sisters from South Africa have actually gone ahead to marry him after he acceded to their requests, and with polygamy being accepted in their country, the marriage took place in a big way.

According to The Drum, for identical twins Owami and Olwethu Mzazi, it was their life-long dream to marry the same man.

They stated that during their childhood days, they shared everything, washed the dishes, played, and went to school together. They even bathed side by side.

One of the twins, Owami, told the magazine:
“We have always done everything together…that is how our grandmother raised us. So when we decided to marry, we said any man that wants to marry one, will marry the other.”

Some men are just lucky sha…pay for one wife, get one free. Chai!!! 

Ancelotti - 'Ronaldo and Messi need each other'

  The Italian says the rivalry between the two superstars drives both to become better players and talks about the importance of Por...